About me

Resident of Zielona Góra (Poland), watercolor enthusiast, a member of the Polish Watercolorist Association.

By education I am a software engineer - a graduate of the Technical University of Zielona Góra. Just after graduation I left Zielona Gora. I lived briefly in Konin, then a few years in Warsaw, but eventually I decided to return to my homeland.

I'm a webdesigner and webdeveloper. I do both programming and desing the site visually.  In the gallery you can see some of the projects.

Watercolor was  initially my escape from the programming and computers, but later it became something more.
Year 2013 brought the cheering moment by the honorable mention in the competition  "Salon Jesienny" Żarski Dom Kultury for the work "Black Duck". In the exhibition folder you can read: Barbara Pingot proved that watercolor has been  and still is the queen of painting. The technique is  elusive, subtle and doesn't frogive mistakes.  "Black duck" - commonplace  theme but executed by the author in a masterly way. Painted with by a skilled hand, with great sensitivity, discipline, flawlessly. It simlply delights.
I joined the  Polish Watercolorist Assotiation in 2015.



2010 - Collective exhibition "Z Polski na Wyspy Zielone" in Będzin
2011 - Collective exhibition "Akwarelowe inspiracje" in Wrocław
  - Collective exhibition "Z Polski na Wyspy Zielone"  in Będzin
2012 - Collective exhibition ART.BEM Bemowskie Centrum Kultury Warsaw
2013 - Honorable mention in the competition "Salon Jesienny" Żarsk Dom Kultury
  - Contest exhibition "Salon Jesienny" Żarski Dom Kultury
2014 - Honorable mention in the competition "Salon Jesienny" Żarski Dom Kultury
  - Contest exhibition "Salon Jesienny" Żarskiego Dom Kultury
  - Contest exhibition "XXx Bieniek" Miejski Dom Kultury Bielsko Biała
2015 - First place in contest "Bzowo mi" Fundacja Karolat w Siedlisko
  - Honorable mention in the competition "Salon Jesienny" Żarskiego Domu Kultury
  - Contest exhibition "Salon Jesienny" Żarskiego Domu Kultury
  - SAP Exhibition Łagów 2015
Nie tylko kocie sprawki il. Barbara Pingot
At the turn of June and July 2014 released storybook by Bozena Czarnota and with my illustrations. Illustration is 15 together with the cover. Book format is 15x17cm.